Tuesday 8 September 2009

Thoughts on Korea so far...

Food: Love it! Very spicy – I have even learned to love (!) kimchi and have it every day with my lunch. We get a cooked meal at school which so far has been the highlight of each and every one of my working days. Sad, I know but the food is amazing! My friend Billy has promised to take me out for the local delicacy (cows intestines) and has also threatened to get me eating spine stew – I’m not convinced that it is going to be anywhere near as mouth-watering as what he tells me, but I guess I’ll try anything once. Verdict still to come – watch this space!

Television: Hilarious. I have cable at my apartment and I love flicking through the channels and finding the over-acted, melodramatic Korean soap operas. There are also many earnest advertisements on TV for what I can only assume is health insurance – every time I see them I laugh out loud as they are so atrociously acted and cheesy you just can’t take them seriously! I also have access to (wait for it...) the math channel! This generally involves some droll, gormless man standing next to a blackboard solving quadratic equations or something equally as mind numbing. Television’s answer to valium!

People: The people here are lovely. I often get approached in public by people wanting to know where I am from, and if I am a son saeng nim (teacher). Teachers are held in fairly high regard here so maybe they think I’m smart or something – go figure! I bought a pair of shoes the other day from a particularly amorous Korean salesman who enquired as to my age, marital and boyfriend status and proceeded to ask me out. There are many, many good looking Korean men in this country, but unfortunately for me he wasn’t one of them!

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